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Речь Гирена Заби на похоронах его брата ГармыWe have lost a hero.
But does this mean we’re defeated?
No! It’s the beginning!
Compared to the Earth Federation, the national resources of Zeon is less than 1\30-th of theirs. Even in spite of this? How are we able to fight it out till now?
My friends? Because the Principality of Zeon’s intention in this war is righteous. A handful of elite have controlled the EF for more than 50 years and have expanded into the space. I remembered well, all the times the EF crushed our demands for freedom to live in space.
That’s n reason to give up our sacred fight for everybody’s freedom and elevate the Principality of Zeon!
My little brother, Garma Zabi, who all of you have loved, is dead.Why?? The war has somewhat quieted down.
My friends, is it not the case that we have left the other side off the hook? However, that is a sinful mistake.
The EF is trying to survive while dishonoring the one, sacred Earth.
We must tell that to the foolish elite of the EF.
Garma’s death has awakened our forgiving thinking, my friends!
Now this is a war!
Our armaments are ever increasingly being prepared and I don’t think the EF are now!
My friends, your fathers and brothers too, have died before the EF’s thoughtless opposition!
This sorrow and anger you must not forget!
Garma has shown us that through his death! Now we will concentrate this anger, and begin to strike at the Federation forces and will be able to secure a true victory! This victory will give maximum comfort to all those killed in action.
People arise!
Change your sorrow into anger! Rise people! Zeon wants power for you, my friends!